Making use of a blog is an essential part of a formal content marketing program. It is an excellent way of building your personal brand, increasing your credibility, and eventually, generating inquires about your services. Unlike Twitter, blogs allow you to post much lengthier content. In fact, many people use Twitter to drive traffic to their blogs.
Program Takeaways
By participating in this program, you will:
- Research the blog universe to select a viable niche.
- Choose a focus and become an authority.
- Develop your blog site.
- Learn the basics of posting, replying, and managing your blog.
- Develop a content sharing strategy.
- Learn how to develop readers.
- Learn best practices for engaging with other blog users.
- Powerfully combine Twitter and your blog to increase client inquiries.
- Understand the relevant ethics, privacy, and security concerns.
- Develop a blog “landing page” to maximize “conversion” rates.
- Raise your visibility and enhance your personal brand.
- Develop a reputation as an expert in your field.
- Generate client inquires.
- Convert inquires to clients.