You will receive an email shortly…
The email will confirm your registration in the workshop. If you don’t receive this email, check your spam folder or give us a call at 415.578.2801. Once you receive it, please take a moment to add the date, time and access information to your calendar.
The event will not be recorded. Since this is an interactive workshop, rather than a talking-head webinar, there will be no recording available after the event.
Guidelines for attending:
- Expect to get some real work done. This will not be a passive, one-way webinar.
- Please plan to be seated at your computer for this workshop.
- Please create a Distraction Free Zone during the 60 minutes of the workshop.
- If possible, please use a headset or your computer’s speakers, so you can complete the planning template.
If you have any questions or need any assistance please contact Scott at:
415.578.2801 or by email at
Thanks again and we look forward to working with you soon.
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