This first video teaches you how to communicate and work more effectively with your lawyers. You will learn the basics of the MBTI, DISC and what motivates lawyers.
Watch NowThis second video teaches you how to build rapport with any lawyer, six valuable coaching skills, an easy-to-follow business development model and how to work effectively with challenging personalities.
Watch NowUse this form to capture the personality, values and behavioral preferences of your attorneys.
Download NowThis is a summary of all the Myers Briggs personality types and how best to communicate with each one.
Download NowThis "Cheat Sheet" uses simple questions and observations to help you determine the personality, values and behaviors of your attorneys.
Download NowThis worksheet will help you evaluate, plan and track your coaching efforts with your attorneys.
Download NowIf you want to get a quick snapshot of your business development strengths and weaknesses, take this 3-minute assessment.
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